Friday, December 25, 2009

It's our Christmas Card on Christman Day!

Merry Christmas everyone!

On Thanksgiving weekend, we followed tradition and picked up and decorated our Christmas tree. We also brought out our other decorations, and I secretly decided to take a Christmas picture and get the Christmas cards printed and mailed early this year. I then tripped on a garland, lurched over a nativity, turned around, and it was Christmas day. So I'm posting this "Christmas card" instead of sending New Years' cards as I have in the past- how lame is that?
We live in an instant society anyway, so let me just post a few Xmas photos below and I'll run down a few quick items from this year:
The four of us are still living in our home "Up and above" Swede Hollow Park in St. Paul. I am still working for Best Buy and Jenny works part time at Barnes & Noble. Idris began kindergarten this autumn at Nova Classical Academy in St. Paul, and spends much of his free time reading and on the internet (mostly playing games). Arken continues to grow at an astounding rate and is frequently scouted by the Vikings to shore up their offensive line. He will turn 2 in March and is very, very active. Idris and Arken play very well together and Idris is a very helpful big brother.
I'll really try to update this blog more often so you can keep up with us if you like, but those who prefer limited updates are off the hook for another year- just look at these pictures:

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