Monday, February 8, 2010

Snow and Baseball

As it continues to snow here, we have turned to a few indoor activities to entertain ourselves. A few weeks ago, we celebrated Festivus (the Seinfeld-created festival which is easily improvised sometime in January) by eating a special meal and watching "A Princess Bride", which is one of the few movies just about everyone on earth enjoys; we were eager to show it to Idris.
We've made our way through the Lego Star Wars game, which is an excellent, EASY multi-player family game.
And Jenny and I used complimentary tickets to attend TwinsFest at the Metrodome last weekend. In pictures below, you can see the field surface converted to a memorabilia extravaganza (too busy w/ fans to be comfortable), Rollie Fingers and his famous mustache, and the place where the most expensive seats in the house have been torn out now that the Twins no longer play there.
As we were walking around, we saw a couple players, and actually passed Bill Smith. I was going to stop him and give him some opinions about how I think he should run the team, but he signed a new 2nd Baseman the next week even without my advice.